Promoting Youth Work Professionalization

We provide opportunities for professional growth of players in the sector through learning mobility of youth workers and youth development practitioners We envision to realize this through a Community of Practice and hosting a platform for learning mobility of people for improved development outcomes and wellbeing of young people. Eventually, we want to see an emergence of a profession built around the skills and competencies of engaging young people in building their self-esteem, social connectedness, economic and social productivity, emotional, intellectual and ethical maturity, and autonomy, and supporting them in their self-empowerment within caring and supportive environments.

Key Outcome: Youth work is recognized as a distinct profession in line with Africa Youth Charter at across Africa through policy and legislation that ensure the delivery of quality practice, including education and training for youth workers.

Centenary Institute of Africa

People centered & sustainable development

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Opposite Mega Mall
P.O Box 22266- Kisumu, Kenya