Kenya has a robust legislative and governance architecture characterized by deepened local governance through devolution, stable democracy and functional state system. Opportunities still exist in deepening democracy, instilling democratic and accountable culture and promoting ideals of open government. Corruption, wastages, divisive elections, negative ethnicity and less meaningful public participation and resources related tensions among others still buttress Kenya and by extension African state fragility. Our programs are focused on promoting cohesion at grassroots, sub national and national levels through promoting public and civic education and CSOs capacity strengthening around 2 areas; (1) accountability in Public Finance and Devolution; and (2) Governance Democracy and Public Participation
Key Outcome: Stable and cohesive local and national government and public institutions in line with the constitution and democratic principles.
People centered & sustainable development
Opposite Mega Mall
P.O Box 22266- Kisumu, Kenya
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